Before implementing Talktrac, the biggest challenge during therapy was keeping track of all data efficiently while providing therapy to students. There was no consistency in data collection across the system. Data collection was being kept on different forms. Data was being collected a different way from each therapist and each school within the school system. Completing students’ progress reports on IEP goals consumed a lot of the therapist’s time.
By using Talktrac, the therapists have more time to spend on planning therapy sessions. Therapists are able to plan better therapy sessions that are geared toward each student’s identified IEP goals. The amount of paperwork being completed by the therapists has decreased by using Talktrac.
Therapists can access Talktrac on different devices. Data collected using Talktrac is easy to interpret by any one viewing the data. Scheduling students for therapy is very easy using Talktrac. Therapists can keep track of their student’s goals, organize groups efficiently, keep track of student’s attendance and monitor student’s progress towards IEP goals. Charts are automatically created when data is entered so being able to show student progress to a parent is as easy as hitting the print button on the computer. It is easy for therapists to carry forward the same goals or modify the existing goals when annual IEP meeting are held. Talktrac also provides data between therapists when students transition from one school in the system to the next school.
Emily, Special Education Director, GA
To effectively and efficiently keep track of student data and progress, while maintaining the time needed to sufficiently run my speech therapy groups.
Using Talktrac automatically creates a system of effective and efficient data collection and progress monitoring that is easily accessible and readable from anywhere. The daily schedules allow for much-needed organization, and the visual reminders are a wonderful way to keep track of everything required. Talktrac is a systematic approach to keeping up with billing and data collection that frees up time spent doing paperwork and redirects that time back to providing direct therapy services for my students.
Since using Talktrac, my time spent doing paperwork is less, and my organization is greatly improved. The visual charts for student data and attendance are easily readable for parents and other service providers, and Medicaid billing is quick and effortless. Best of all, I have all student goals, past and present, at my fingertips, so I can easily see which goals are working, and which goals aren’t. I know which goals we need to target more aggressively, and which goals are close to being met. Talktrac is a must-have for any SLP or therapy service provider!
Whitney, SLP & Blogger: Let’s Talk with Whitney, Georgia
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To find a data collection system that is easy, quick and convenient to collect data on students that automatically charts student progress.
Implementing Talktrac allows access to therapy data anywhere anytime while increasing my organization of daily and weekly schedules through daily agendas, accurate record keeping of goals, attendance, IEP meeting dates, and easily aligns therapy goals to Common Core State Standards.
Parents respond positively to visual charts that show their child’s progress. Also, Talktrac makes my day to day life easier as a therapist.
I am happy I found Talktrac! I can’t imagine being without it and going back to doing things the way I did in the past.
Christine, SLP, New York
To maintain consistent IEP and RTI data collection of students progress and documentation of Medicaid billing requirements for services provided.
Since our SLPs, OTs, and PTs began using Talktrac, we have been able to keep all documentation from therapy sessions in one location creating ease of access for IEP, Medicaid and RTI data.
The streamlined organization of all of this information into one specifically designed program gives quick and easy access to needed evidence for our required reports!
Thank you for your support and quick responses to our needs and questions.
Etta, PEC Director, Georgia
Before implementing Talktrac, the biggest challenge during therapy was keeping track of all
data efficiently while providing therapy to my students. The larger the group, the harder it
was to keep track of all data for each student’s individual’s goals.
Since implementing Talktrac, therapy groups are now efficient and effective. I can keep track of all of my students’ goals, organize groups efficiently, keep track of students’ attendance, as well as monitor their progress towards each goal. Keeping track of the student data during therapy is now efficient because I can see all of the group goals in one window. I can now monitor how the students are performing on each goal, and I can see when data was collected for each student. Overall, Talktrac has benefited me during therapy sessions in many more ways…I never want to go back to paper/pencil data again!
Talktrac provides charts and graphs for each student towards his individual goals. I can print out the chart to show teachers/parents the students’ progress on their goals, and provide feedback on what works best for each student. Parents and teachers can take a quick glance at the student’s progress to see if their student is on target and if he has met his goal. Therapists can use the charts to see if the student is progressing or needs new intervention methods to improve the student’s progress towards the goal.
I would recommend Talktrac to other speech therapists because of the efficiency of collecting data. Talktrac is convenient, as a therapist you are able to access anywhere from your phone, desktop, or IPad. You are able to see your daily schedule using Talktrac. You are also able to use the dashboard as a way to keep up with IEP information. Using Talktrac eliminates the need to use pencil and paper, and keep up with countless documentation for each student.
Brandie, SLP, Georgia
Before using Talktrac all our documentation was on paper logs and handwritten which resulted in unintelligible documentation. The day I decided to switch the department to Talktrac was the day a therapist told me that her full year worth of therapy documentation which she took home to work on was left in the car and the car was stolen that night!
Talktrac documentation system allows all attendance and therapy log data to be uploaded to a web- based system resulting in neatly typed therapy logs with access anytime and anywhere without the capacity to be lost. As an administrator this access allows me to literally be on vacation, but still be able to oversee the therapy being provided. Most importantly, it allows our therapy logs to be safe and secure and never be lost again.
Legible, easy to access, user friendly, graphs to monitor students’ progress, ability to run caseload, attendance and therapy log reports, has increased my ability to oversee compliance with the IEP. Any time the district is in litigation an attorneys’ need therapy reports it’s literally a press of a button and the report can be emailed with all the data and documentation aside from being so easy it looks so professional and impressive.
Absolutely! I cannot ever picture going back to paper and pen days! Talktrac has allowed the Lakewood Board of Education Related Services Department to maintain a professional caliber of documentation which can be accessed anywhere and has upgraded our therapy documentation. I wholeheartedly recommend Talktrac as an important therapy tool in an age when data and documentation is vital to providing therapy services.
Adina, Supervisor Related Services
Prior to using Talktrac, I had difficulty keeping up with all the paperwork in different places.
Now everything is in one place. When I’m with a group or individual, I do my attendance, data collection, progress monitoring, and notes all in one place in seconds! I also don’t have to walk around with a schedule that has been erased more than the paper can tolerate. The color coordination of the schedule helps me process what my day will look like.
Scheduling is extremely easy. Attendance is done with the click of a mouse. Data collection is done online throughout the session, leaving you with excellent graphs come progress reporting time. It is easy to look back on progress during a session to see where a child left off or if they need to be challenged more. It makes everything easier!
I would recommend Talktrac because it is easy to use and allows the busy school-based SLP more time to provide therapy. The amount of overall paperwork I had has decreased significantly because everything is stored and organized in one location.
Jodie, SLP
Simplify your therapy sessions and academic lessons to better help your students learn to overcome communication and physical challenges and obtain academic skills essential to living a rich and rewarding life.