Read what our customers say about Talktrac and how it makes data truly useful for planning therapy, and showing the effectiveness of therapy.

Talktrac has been an extremely valuable program for me as a speech therapist. The program has helped me keep my data organized, especially since I am an itinerant speech therapist in the school system and travel between 3 schools.

I no longer have to carry 3 notebooks for my data. The program helps me provide more accurate, real time data for progress monitoring. It also helps me see the student’s progress as a whole by using the reports that TT creates so that it makes lesson planning more timely. The reports also help me provide better communication with the parents because they are very easy to understand.

All in all, this is the best program for progress monitoring that not only benefits me but also the students that I teach!

Amanda, Speech Therapist, Georgia

I would definitely recommend Talktrac. It has made data collection so easy, and useful. It makes doing reports or going into meetings for a student really easy, because all of the student’s data is right there. It was easy to set up, and required very little training to get the hang of it. I set up my student teacher to enter data, and she had no problem whatsoever.

The progress charts and the daily agenda/schedule is extremely useful to me. I look at the students’ probes and current progress, and then I set up my daily agenda like a planner with the activities for each group using the comments box on each student. Then everyday, I can print out a daily agenda, and write quick data on the back of the sheet, to put in later. It works seamlessly. The schedule/agenda feature is what I have been looking for as a truly useful therapy planner.

I think the biggest benefit of Talktrac is that it makes data truly useful for planning therapy, and showing the effectiveness of therapy.

Christine, Speech Therapist, New York

The implementation process went smoothly for our district. The Technology Specialist completed a spreadsheet template (provided by TalkTrac) with the requested information.

Once TalkTrac received our spreadsheet it was imported and we were ready to begin using the program. The time frame of implementation for us to gather the information, ask questions, complete the spreadsheet and wait for TalkTrac to import our information was about 4-5 days.

As for the support, it has been great! They are quick to answer any questions and are very friendly.

Sherice, Computer Tech Specialist, Georgia

I am really impressed by the unbelievably quick response time of talktrac to any concern or necessary upgrade. Nothing is ever a problem and is attended to immediately!

The ability to carry my iPAD and document during sessions allows me to see which areas need to be addressed work on them right away versus documenting later and seeing the needs after the session.

I am also excited to print my reports and share them in such a professional and clear manner. Even though I feel that as I continue to use the program I will benefit even more, I was amazed at how easily I could jump in and use it on my first day of treatment.

Rena, Physical Therapist, New Jersey

When asked if she would recommend Talktrac to other districts including Special Education Directors and SLPs Susan responded:
I have and will continue to do so. The program provides us a streamlined reporting and documentation system at our fingertips. The program also frees up time for our SLPs to devote more time to direct services to the students by removing the necessity of the burdensome and time consuming pencil/paper documentation required in the past. The set up was easy and smooth. We exported from our student information system and downloaded into the spreadsheet sent to us by Talktrac. Talktrac did the rest. When we opened the program to begin training, everything was set and ready to use.

When asked if she felt if Talktrac provides her school district good value for the cost Susan responded:
Most assuredly. It is very inexpensive and worth 10X the cost!

When asked if Talktrac has enhanced her speech and language data management and reporting Susan responded:
Very much so. Everything is available at the instant you need it. It really is awesome and very, very user friendly.

Susan, Special Education Director, Georgia

Frankie and Brian, thanks for developing such a great product. Talktrac has filled in the gaps in my paperwork and now makes my job so much easier. Data is quickly recorded and automatically graphed using my desktaop computer or ipad, whichever one is most handy; and accessing running data for progress monitoring is complete in a few moments.

I feel that the best result of using Talktrac has been my improved use of the student’s goals and objectives. I can swiftly take a look and see what goals I have worked on and what needs more work.

This feature has helped improve my therapy with the students by having a greater grasp of what and when to target certain objectives.

Again, thanks for this great data tool.

Marsan, Speech Therapist, Georgia

I am new to using Talktrac but it has been very user friendly. It has been a very convenient tool to assist in getting our documentation completed in one step instead of 2 or 3.

The program is quick and easy to use. Medicaid billing has become much easier and less time consuming as compared to the previous Medicaid billing system.

Daily notes have been simplified as well. Talktrac is user friendly and easy to set up. It also provides detailed progress reports with graphs to outline the students progress towards goals. Talktrac has made note taking and Medicaid billing much easier for me.

The support staff has been very helpful and quick in responding to any questions and concerns we have had with it’s use.

Tiffany, Occupational Therapist, Georgia

Several months ago, we held an IEP meeting for one of my students who was not making ample progress on goals and not attending speech therapy regularly. Everyone was concerned about her lack of speech/language progress. I have been actively using Talktrac to document student progress and attendance in therapy, so, I had the cumulative report printed for this student.

As the team reviewed the students lack of educational progress it became evident we needed to address her transportation to school. We agreed that the school district needed to provide Special Transportation for this student in order for her to get to school on time. Since this solution was implemented,, the student has been attending school regularly and her progress has improved.

Talktrac definitely made a difference in the services provided to this student to assist her with academic success.

Lou Ann, Speech Therapist, Georgia

TalkTrac brings my data collection and therapy materials to the 21st century! It gives more time to focus on my students, when I am providing services face to face or via telepractice.

Andrea, Speech Therapist, North Carolina


Simplify your therapy sessions and academic lessons to better help your students learn to overcome communication and physical challenges and obtain academic skills essential to living a rich and rewarding life.