Oct 29, 2017
10. Wear Comfortable Shoes – You will walk almost everywhere for 3-4 days. You will be happier if your feet are happy. 9. Pack a lightweight jacket or sweater – Regardless of the temperatures outside, the convention center, exhibitor hall, and session rooms will...
Aug 16, 2017
Clear Specific Directions – When a child enters your therapy room whether a new or returning client, teaching clear and specific expectations is a must. Many times we as therapists review our therapy procedures with the children, but do not take the needed time to...
Jan 18, 2016
Have you every wondered if painter’s tape can help in your therapy room? Well, the answer is yes!! Check out Kim’s blog at Activity Tailor on “8 Ways to Use Painter’s Tape in the Therapy Room” at www.activitytailor.com/8-ways-to-use-painters-tape-in-the-therapy-room....
Apr 14, 2015
Kids with a social communication disorder should understand what a social story is, why they should talk about their social stories, and how the stories can help them socially function more appropriately. Take time and explain it to them. Provide a short step by...